Texas Parks and Wildlife Flat Out Fishing Expo
February 2, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Team Ocean Kayak's Jeff Herman was again invited as a guest speaker for Texas Parks and Wildlife's Flat Out Fishing Expo held in Corpus Christi, Texas. This is a great honor for Jeff to be invited to speak to the crowds about kayak fishing, safety and rigging. This event always draws big crowds and this year was no exception. Jeff provided the class with a American Canoe Association quick start kayak safety class as part of his presentation. Jeff's presentation is first class, complete with computerized coursework that is much more effective when combined distributed written material. During the kayak rigging and safety portions of Jeff's demonstration, he was able to demonstrate many of the fine products our sponsors provide the team. We received some great feedback from those in attendance who valued Jeff's experience and insight into the world of kayak fishing. Jeff will be participating in the next Flat Out Fishing Expo held next week in Lake Jackson, Texas near Galveston and Freeport.