IFA Kayak Series Tournament
Tournament Location : Rockport, Texas Angler Participation : Vincent S. Rinando Jr., Clint Barghi, Cameron Barghi Date : June13, 2010 Conditions : Temp 90' Windy Tournament Results Team Ocean Kayak's Vincent Rinando Placed 2nd and Clint Barghi placed 4th. Clint Barghi is currently tied for Angler of the Year and Vincent Rinando is in 4th place. Headed down to Port O with Clint, Rick, and Cameron to say good bye to the Rick Carlton hotel...Rick sold his house in Port O and this was the last chance to stay down there free and pack up some remaining stuff...Rick thanks again for all the hospitality you have shown us in your home...it is greatly appreciated....we woke up Saturday knowing Port O had 2+ tourneys launching at dawn so we slept in and launched around 6:30am....funny we saw a guide at the launch and made a comment about his awesome boat...and how fast it would run....about 1hr+ later and 5mi. from the launch we pull up to our first spot to see this guide and his party out of the boat wading...needless to say the winds were near 30...bay was super rough...sargasum floating everywhere...water looked like a$$...and I'm sure that guide was thinking we were crazy...we caught some fish but it was a brutal day overall....I decided to try my luck in Port A and try and find some cleaner water on tourney day....Sunday woke up at 3am...yes 3am...made the drive to Port A and got to my launch in plenty of time to find my launch in the dark and get ready...tourney time I put in and started to drift out a bit throwing a shedog and got a trout blow about 3 casts into my day...as I'm buring this trout it...it runs right through a nice school of redfish...scattering them in every direction....got that fish in the yak and photo-ed and released...16 3/4 .decided that drifting was out of the question...and anchoring would be fruitless...so I tied the yak onto my waist and bailed out to wade the remainder of the day....I walked about 2-3mi. in a big loop blind casting a topwater and a surface waker....I had one monster redfish turn and pounce on my shedog only to come back to the surface without the fish..