Tournament Location :
Specktacular Tournament #2 Galveston , Texas
Angler Participation
Vincent S. Rinando Jr., Captain Filip
June 17, 2006
Temp 80' Cloudy Skies and Windy.
Tournament Sponsors :
Academy, Sand Dollar Autoplex, Malibu Kayaks, Costal
Kayak, Wilderness, Adventure Technology.
Tournament Results
Second place trout and 6th place redfish
Tournament Recap
Tournament day again, as usual, plenty of
wind and rain. Enough wind and rain that the power boat division cancelled
their portion of the tournament. Captain Filip Spencer and Vincent Rinando
improved their yearly standings by weighing in two slot redfish and moving into
2nd place overall in the Specktacular Tournament Series. Filip and Vincent
had located plenty of redfish all week prefishing for the tournament. With
the windy conditions the marsh area Vincent and Filip had been fishing was
flooded with water on tournament day, scattering the fish and making locating
them difficult. Filip and Vincent did however bring in four redfish and
the second place trout for the trout division and released many flounder
throughout the day.